Birth & Postnatal Doula
Hypnobirthing Instructor
Beds ~ Bucks ~ Herts ~ Northants

So I think
are in order!!
I presume you’re here to learn how you can get prepped for birthing your baby…?
I’m guessing you might be feeling a little apprehensive? Maybe even terrified??
Perhaps you’ve given birth before and are looking for a different experience? Something less medicalised, more personal? An experience where you feel calm? In control? Confident in your body? Where you trust your team, and they trust you?
Well HURRAH! You’re in the right place!
It is my mission with Roar Birthing to facilitate YOU in having a glorious, supported, individualised birth experience and postnatal period.
Take a look at the ways I can help you embrace the wonder of giving birth, and support you as you deserve to be supported…

Hi, it’s great to have you here.
I’m Debra, founder of Roar Birthing.
I’m here to help families embrace the wondrous transformation that is CHILDBIRTH, and to hold their hands as they take their first steps into new parenthood.
I’m a Doula, Hypnobirthing Instructor, coffee lover and Mum to two little whirlwinds!
Here’s a little introduction to me…
I’m sweary AF, so love me, love my potty mouth!
I have a weakness for dungarees and anything leopard print.
I’m a reformed people-pleaser, now a proud patriarchy-smasher!
I love nothing more than the connection of a proper deep & meaningful.
I’m incredibly passionate about helping Mamas have beautiful, empowered, transformative births and supporting them to walk confidently into Motherhood.
If you’d like to know more about me and my roundabout journey into birth work click here!
If you want to jump straight in & see how I can help transform your birth click here!

Instagram is where I love to hang out and chat all things birth - come and say hi!